Tips For Preventing A Matted Coat

How To Keep Your Pet’s Coat Mat-Free


Do you brush your dog regularly, but then take him to the groomer only to find out that his fur is matted anyway? This is a common problem for many pet owners. One that can be fixed easily by switching to the correct brush type or by simply altering your brushing technique. A majority of breeds will benefit the most from a slicker brush & a metal comb. Other brushes simply don’t get down to the skin and therefore skip right over the top of the knots. Ricky the Groomer uses and recommends the Hartz or GM Pets slicker brush and TanDraji stainless steel combs for dogs and cats.

Line brushing is the secret technique that professionals use to keep a dog’s coat mat-free. You can easily do this at home by following these steps.

1.    Use one hand to part your dog’s fur down to the skin. Use your other hand to start brushing from the skin to the end of the hair shaft.

2.    Follow this pattern of brushing from the top of your dog’s head down to his tail. This is called “line brushing”.

3.    Once you have line brushed the entire coat, then take a metal comb and run it from head to tail, until you are satisfied that you have not missed any knots in his coat.

This three-step brushing technique will prevent tangles and mats. It will also leave your pet’s coat with a healthy shine since regular brushing helps to distribute the natural hair oils throughout the coat. If you are short on time and unable to brush your pet as frequently as you would like, you can always give us a call and schedule more frequent grooming appointments. We are happy to provide you with maintenance appointments scheduled in between your pet’s regular grooming appointments.

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